How I Handle A Huge American Akita | Tips and Tricks - Dogs -Tech

How I Handle A Huge American Akita | Tips and Tricks

How I Handle A Huge American Akita | Tips and Tricks

American Akita are a beautiful and majestic breed of dog, known for their strength, loyalty, and protective instincts. However, they can also be quite challenging to handle due to their large size and powerful personalities. In this article, we'll explore some tips on how to handle a huge American Akita.


 1. Training and Socialization 

Training and socialization are essential for all breeds of dogs, but especially for Akitas. Akitas are known for their independent nature, and they can be stubborn at times. However, with consistent training and socialization, they can become well-behaved and obedient companions.


Start training your Akita as early as possible, and make sure to use positive reinforcement techniques. Consistency is key, and it's important to establish yourself as the pack leader from the beginning.


Socialization is also crucial, as Akitas can be wary of strangers and other animals. Introduce your Akita to different people and animals at an early age, and make sure to supervise all interactions.


 2. Exercise and Activity 

Akitas are a high-energy breed, and they require plenty of exercise and activity to keep them happy and healthy. Regular exercise also helps to burn off excess energy and prevent destructive behaviors.


Make sure to provide your Akita with daily walks and plenty of opportunities for play and exercise. A large fenced yard is ideal, but if you live in an apartment or don't have access to a yard, regular walks and trips to the dog park are essential.


 3. Grooming and Maintenance 

Akitas have a thick double coat that requires regular grooming to keep it healthy and clean. Brush your Akita's coat at least once a week, and more frequently during shedding season. Regular grooming also provides an opportunity to check for any skin irritations or other health issues.


Akitas also require regular nail trimming, ear cleaning, and dental care. Make sure to schedule regular visits with your veterinarian for checkups and vaccinations.


4.  Proper Handling and Safety 

Due to their size and strength, Akitas require proper handling and safety precautions. Always use a sturdy leash and collar when walking your Akita, and make sure to use a secure harness or crate when traveling in a car.


It's also important to supervise your Akita when around children or other pets, as they can be protective and possessive. Never leave your Akita alone with small children or other animals, and make sure to provide plenty of positive reinforcement when they exhibit good behavior.


In conclusion, handling a huge American Akita requires patience, consistency, and dedication. With proper training, socialization, exercise, grooming, and safety precautions, your Akita can become a well-behaved and loyal companion for years to come.

How I Handle A Huge American Akita | Tips and Tricks How I Handle A Huge American Akita | Tips and Tricks Reviewed by Ridamok on April 01, 2023 Rating: 5

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