Training Your American Akita: 101 Tips and Tricks - Dogs -Tech

Training Your American Akita: 101 Tips and Tricks

 Training Your American Akita: 101 Tips and Tricks


Who’s a good boy? If you’re the proud owner of an American Akita, then you know it takes special mastery to train this breed. These majestic dogs come with a big challenge, and that means training your Akita is something you should take seriously.

Whether you’re just getting started or consider yourself a master trainer already, learning how to best handle your American Akita will be essential for a successful relationship. After all, this breed is incredibly loyal and obedient so training them just right can make all the difference.

In this article, we’ll go over all the basics of training your American Akita—from the simplest tips and tricks to the more complex strategies. We’ll also explore why positive reinforcement is key when it comes to training your pooch. So without further ado, let’s dive in!

Understanding the American Akita's Temperament  

The American Akita is a highly intelligent but independent breed of dog. This means that their training should focus on providing clear expectations and consistency, and requires the patience and commitment of their owner. To understand how to effectively train an American Akita, it’s important to begin by gaining an understanding of their temperament.

American Akitas are known for being loyal and devoted to their owners, but also strong-willed, headstrong and stubborn. To make your training as successful as possible, it’s best to start early on with socialization and positive reinforcement, as these are the best tools for communicating with the breed. The key is to foster cooperation between you and your pup by building a trusting relationship that is based on rewards and affection.

By having realistic expectations when it comes to the intelligence level of your new American Akita pup, you’ll be in a much better position to craft an effective training plan that helps you reach your desired goals. Overall, through utilizing positive reinforcement techniques and taking a patient approach during your Akita's training process, you can achieve great results in no time!

Establishing a Training Routine  

Training your American Akita is essential to ensure they grow up to be a happy and well-behaved pet. To achieve this, it’s important to establish a training routine that you both can follow.

This should include:

  • Consistency: While it’s important to stick to a training schedule, don’t forget to be flexible. Some days, your Akita may not feel like participating—but that doesn’t mean you should give up! Find creative ways to motivate them and keep their interest in the activity.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding your Akita with treats and verbal praise when they do something correctly is one of the best ways to reinforce positive behavior.

  • Fun Activities: Training your Akita shouldn't be a chore for either of you! Mix things up with fun activities such as agility courses or manners games that will keep their attention and keep them engaged in the learning process.

By consistently reinforcing positive behavior and engaging in fun activities together, you'll help ensure that your American Akita training routine is effective and enjoyable for both of you!

Positive Reinforcement Techniques  

American Akitas respond really well to positive reinforcement techniques. Whether it's verbal praise, petting them, giving them treats or providing toys as rewards—all these things can help encourage good behavior and discourage bad behavior.

Using positive reinforcement is part of establishing yourself as the pack leader in your dog’s eyes, which is something that American Akitas need and respond very well to. Here are some tips on how you can use positive reinforcement to train your Akita:

Verbal Praise  

Verbal praise is one of the most common methods of positive reinforcement for training your Akita. Be as enthusiastic and specific about praising them as you can—you want it to be truly meaningful for your pup. A simple "Good boy!" with a happy tone will go a long way!

Physical Rewards  

Physical rewards like treats, petting and belly rubs are all great ways to reward your Akita for good behavior. When you reward them with physical rewards, make sure the action is associated with whatever behavior you’re rewarding—so if they're sitting nicely, give them a treat right away. This reinforces the action in their minds so they’ll be more likely to repeat it in the future.


Toys can also be used as a reward for good behavior, like if they're responding nicely when asked to perform a trick or command. Providing toys that they find interesting or exciting will help keep their attention and keep them engaged during training sessions—which will ultimately lead to better results!

Socializing Your Akita  

When it comes to training your American Akita, socialization is one of the key things you need to be aware of. After all, these are dogs that need to learn how to interact with other animals and people, so they don’t become overly aggressive. Here are some great tips and tricks to help you get started:

Start Young  

It's important to start socializing your Akita while they're young. Introducing them to as many different people and animals as possible while they're still a puppy will help ensure that they grow up well-socialized. It'll also make it easier for them to learn social cues and behaviors.

Go Slow  

The key here is not to rush it—you want your Akita pup to feel comfortable in whatever new situation you put them in. Let them take their time exploring their surrounding and don't push them into anything that makes them uncomfortable.

Positive Reinforcement  

Whenever your pup does something good, be sure to reward them with praise or treats—this will help make sure that they know that their behavior is appreciated, which can go a long way in making socialization easier for both of you!

At the end of the day, socialization is key when it comes to training your American Akita—so start early and take it slow; before you know it, your pup will be well on their way to making new friends!

Addressing Behavioral Issues  

Since the American Akita can be a bit of a handful, it's important to address any issues early on in their training. Some common issues you may come across include leash pulling, barking, chewing, and aggression.

Leash Pulling  

The best way to combat leash pulling is to train your Akita with positive reinforcement. Every time they don't pull on the leash (or are just walking near it without tugging it) reward them with a treat or a pat and lots of praise. This reinforcement will help them understand that pulling is not the behavior you want them to display while out and about.


Barking can occur for a variety of reasons and can happen both inside and outside the home. To reduce excessive barking, redirect your Akita's focus onto something else like an obedience command or toy. This will give them something else to focus on besides what is making them bark.


Chewing provides your pup with mental stimulation, so be sure to give them plenty of chew toys that are safe for dogs. If they are chewing something they shouldn't be (like furniture), immediately provide an alternative like their favorite chew toy, as this teaches them what is acceptable and what isn't acceptable when it comes to chew items.


In cases of aggression, start by teaching your dog basic obedience commands like "sit" and “stay” in order to help control their behavior in uncomfortable situations. You can also use positive reinforcement training when encountering triggers that cause aggressive behavior. This will teach your Akita that good things happen when they don’t act aggressively towards other people or animals.

Introducing Commands and Tricks  

American Akitas are highly trainable, and the key to their successful training is consistency. It's important to practice commands and tricks regularly, otherwise they won't stay committed. Thankfully, there are a ton of methods you can use to teach your pup commands and tricks.

Positive Reinforcement  

Positive reinforcement works really well for American Akitas—they thrive on rewards for good behavior. Whenever your pup does something successfully, reward them with treats or verbal praise—you'll get more consistent results this way.

Clicker Training  

Clicker training is another great tool you can use to train your American Akita. The clicker is essentially a "bridge" between your pup's behavior and the reward they get—it's used as an efficient way to mark correct behavior, so your pup knows that they did something right!


Repetition is key when it comes to training American Akitas; by practicing commands and tricks over and over again, you can help reinforce behaviors in their minds until it becomes second nature to them. It also helps if you practice in different environments - doing so would make it easier for your Akita to adapt its behavior in varying settings.


All in all, training your American Akita doesn’t need to be a dreaded task. All it takes is consistency, patience, and a lot of love. With these 101 tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way towards having the perfect pup.

Make sure to get both yourself and your pooch well-acquainted with the basics and remember to have fun with it! Using come, sit, stay and other commands can help ensure that your Akita’s behavior is up to par and build a strong bond between you and your pup. Above all else, be sure to reward your dog for good behavior, and you'll have a friend for life.


Training Your American Akita: 101 Tips and Tricks Training Your American Akita: 101 Tips and Tricks Reviewed by Ridamok on March 18, 2023 Rating: 5

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