Are American Akitas Dangerous? The Truth About This Breed - Dogs -Tech

Are American Akitas Dangerous? The Truth About This Breed


American Acita dogs are a strong and large breed, and they are among the dogs that are famous for being dangerous. Is the American Akita really aggressive, as rhey say in this post, we will look at the potential dangers of the American Akita and know the truth about whether this breed is dangerous or not.

American Akita breed history 

The American Akita is a new breed developed in the United States in the twentieth century. They descend from the Japanese Akita. American Akita dogs large dogs. Males usually weigh between 70 and 120 pounds, and females weigh between 50 and 90 pounds.

Is an American Acita agressive?

This large size and strength, the American Acita can be dangedangerous if we do not train it properly. It is important that it is protective for its owners, which leads to aggression against others and other animals. You may know that not all American Acita are dangerous, and yet there is a risk of aggression compared to other breeds. the other.

How dangerous is an Akita dog

there are many factors that can lead to aggressive behavior in the American Akita:

1- Lack of socialization: It is possible that the American Akita has not been properly socialized towards strangers and other animals.

2- Genetics/ Some American Akita dogs can be aggreaggressive becaus of their genes

3- The environment: The reason for the aggression of the American Acita can be in the environment  in which it was raised

4- Training: Failure to properly train the American Akita may incerase its aggression

Here are some tips for safely owning an American Akita:

1- Training and social communcation with others and other animals from an early age

2- Many exercises and mental stimulation 

3- Learn the Acita body languge in order to be prepared for any aggressive behavior 

4- If you are concerned about the behavior of the Acita, call me for help from dog training 
Are American Akitas Dangerous? The Truth About This Breed Are American Akitas Dangerous? The Truth About This Breed Reviewed by Ridamok on July 31, 2023 Rating: 5

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