are boxers good with cats - Dogs -Tech

are boxers good with cats

Boxers are known as the "gentle giant" of dogs, but they can also be somewhat naughty. Boxers are excellent family pets because of their friendly nature and intelligence, but they do have some specific needs that make them unsuitable for homes with small children or other smaller pets like rabbits or hamsters. If you're considering adding a boxer to your family, here's everything you need to know about whether or not your new pet will get along with other animals in your home.

are boxers good with cats

What Is a Boxer Dog?  

A Boxer is a medium-sized dog, known for their short coats and wrinkly faces. They are intelligent, energetic and playful. Their loyalty and affection make them great companions.

Boxers were bred to hunt small game in packs with other dogs like the Bulldog or Mastiff; however today they are mainly used as family pets or guard dogs due to their protective nature towards family members.

Are Boxers Good With Cats?  

Are boxers good with cats?

Boxers are a medium-sized breed, and they make great pets for cat owners who want an active dog. Boxers are not the best fit if you want a dog that doesn't shed, though—their coat can cause problems in some households because it gets everywhere!

How to Introduce Your Boxer Dog to Cats  

  • Keep cats in a separate room while you are introducing the dogs.

  • Don't let the dog see the cat until they are comfortable with each other.

  • Don't let the cat see the dog until they are comfortable with each other.

Boxers can be great with cats if you take the time to train and socialize your dog properly.  

Boxers are energetic, playful dogs that can be great for families with cats. They need to be trained and socialized properly from a young age, though, or they might become aggressive towards the family cat.

Boxers are very intelligent dogs with a high level of intelligence—they learn quickly and can even learn new tricks! They're also very athletic and love to run around the house at any given opportunity; this means you'll need to make sure your boxer doesn't get bored by your cat's antics (and vice versa).



are boxers good with cats  are boxers good with cats  Reviewed by Ridamok on November 11, 2022 Rating: 5

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