How to Train Your American Pit Bull Terrier - Dogs -Tech

How to Train Your American Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a loyal and loving breed of dog. They are great family dogs and can be trained to do tricks, obedience, and agility. This blog post will give you an overview of the basics of training your American Pit Bull Terrier.


American Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier – a Loyal and Loving Breed.  

The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) is a descendant of the British Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the now extinct English White Terrier. They were originally bred in England in the 1800s for bull-baiting, a cruel blood sport in which bulls were chained to a post and dogs were set upon them. The dogs who excelled at this bloody sport were then bred to produce offspring with similar traits. When bull-baiting was outlawed in England in 1835, these “pit bulls” were brought to America where they became popular as catch dogs on farms and as companions in urban areas.

Pit bulls were once known as “nanny dogs” because they were so good with children. In fact, one of the most famous early breeders of pit bulls was an English woman named Pitty Singleton who bred her dogs specifically for their gentle temperaments around children. Unfortunately, over time the reputation of pit bulls has been tarnished by those who have used them for illegal dog fighting. This is not only extremely cruel but it also goes against the nature of the breed which is generally very loving and loyal.

Characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier.

The APBT is a medium-sized, short-coated dog with a well-defined musculature. They are strong and powerful dogs but are also known for their agility and endurance. The average weight of an adult APBT is between 30 and 50 pounds, although some can be larger or smaller than this depending on their lineage. The coat can be any color including black, blue, brindle, fawn, red or white, often with markings on the face or chest.

The most distinguishing feature of the APBT is their broad head which is often described as being “blocky” in shape. They have wide set eyes that are usually dark brown in color and their ears are either cropped (cut off) or natural (left long). Their tail is thick at the base and tapers to a point – it should never be docked (cut).

Training Your American Pit Bull Terrier – The Basics.  

The first step in housebreaking your American Pit Bull Terrier is to choose a method. The two most common methods are crate training and paper training. Crate training involves confining your dog to a small space, such as a crate or pen, when you cannot watch him. This will teach him that he needs to hold it until he is let out. Paper training involves placing newspapers or pads in an area you designate as his bathroom. When he goes potty on the paper, praise him lavishly.

Whichever method you choose, be consistent with it. Your dog will not understand why he can go potty inside on some days and not others. He will also need to be taken outside frequently, at least every two hours, so that he can learn that this is where he should relieve himself. It is also important to take him out after meals and naps, as well as after any period of extended play or exercise.

When you take him outside, take him to the same spot each time and use the same cue word or phrase, such as “go potty” or “do your business.” Once he goes potty, praise him immediately and give him a treat if desired. If he does not go within a few minutes, bring him back inside and try again later.

Eventually, your dog will learn that going potty outside is what you expect of him and he will do so without having to be taken there every time. However, accidents will happen from time to time, especially in the beginning. When they do occur, simply clean up the mess with an enzymatic cleaner made specifically for pet stains and accidents and do not scold your dog – this will only make him afraid of going potty in front of you and make housebreaking even more difficult.

Obedience Training

One of the most important things you can do for your American Pit Bull Terrier is to obedience train him using positive reinforcement methods such as clicker training or marker training . These methods are based on operant conditioning principles which state that behaviors that are followed by positive consequences (reinforcement) are more likely to be repeated than those that are not reinforced . In other words , if you want your dog to perform a behavior , such as sitting , then you would reward (reinforce) him for doing so with something he enjoys , such as a treat , toy , or verbal praise .

There are many different obedience commands you can teach your American Pit Bull Terrier , but some of the most important ones include “ sit ,” “ down ,” “ stay ,” “ come ,” “ leave it ,”and “ no .” Not only will these commands help keep your dog safe and under control in various situations , but they will also form the foundation for more advanced tricks and behaviors . And since American Pit Bull Terriers are intelligent dogs who love to please their owners , they typically excel at obedience training !

Subsection 2..3 Socialization   An important part of raising any puppy is socialization which refers to exposing them early on in life (between 3-16 weeks old) to different people , animals , places , sounds experiences  so that they become comfortable with them . This helps ensure that they grow up into well-rounded adults who aren't afraid of new things or situations .  For American Pit Bull Terriers specifically socialization is key because   historically this breed has gotten unfairly demonized in the media which has led some people to believe all sorts of myths about them (e . g., they're aggressive dogs who are bred solely for fighting ) .  As a result socialization is crucial for helping dispel these false stereotypes about American Pit Bull Terriers by showing the public that they can be gentle loving family pets .

There are lots of different ways you can socialize your American Pit Bull Terrier pup ; taking them on walks around town meeting new people at the park playing with other puppies at doggy daycare attending Puppy Kindergarten classes etc . The key is just to get started early and expose them slowly but surely to different types of people animals places etc . so that they can get used to them .

Advanced Training for Your American Pit Bull Terrier.  

Teaching your American Pit Bull Terrier tricks is a great way to bond with your dog and give them some mental stimulation. It's also a lot of fun! Some easy tricks to start with are "sit," "stay," "come," and "down." You can find more detailed instructions on how to teach these tricks online or in dog training books.

As your dog masters the basic tricks, you can move on to more advanced tricks like "roll over," "speak," and "shake." These trick will take some patience and practice to perfect, but once your American Pit Bull Terrier knows them, you'll be able to impress all your friends and family!

Agility training.

Agility training is a great way to keep your American Pit Bull Terrier fit and active. It's also a lot of fun for both you and your dog! There are many different agility courses that you can set up in your backyard or at a local park.

You can also sign up for agility classes at a local pet store ordog training center. This is a great way to socialize your dog while getting them some exercise. Agility classes typically include obstacles like tunnels, jumps, weave poles, and tire jumps.


Flyball is a fast-paced team sport for dogs that involves fetching a ball from an automated launcher. It's a great way to burn off some energy for both you and your American Pit Bull Terrier! There are many Flyball clubs across the country that offer competitions and weekly practices.

Joining a Flyball club is a great way to meet other dog owners and get involved in the community. It's also a lot of fun for both you and your dog! If you're interested in learning more about Flyball, check out the website of the North American Flyball Association:

American Pit Bull Terriers and Children.  

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a loyal and loving breed that can make a great family dog. They are good with children and other pets, and they are very intelligent and easy to train. However, they do require some exercise and stimulation, so they are not the best breed for everyone.

Supervising American Pit Bull Terriers and Children.

As with any dog, it is important to supervise American Pit Bull Terriers around children. They should never be left alone together unsupervised. American Pit Bull Terriers are strong dogs and can unintentionally knock over small children or step on them when playing. It is also important to teach children how to properly approach and pet a dog, so that the child does not startle or scare the dog.

American Pit Bull Terriers and Other Pets.  

When you first bring your American Pit Bull Terrier home, he may be the only pet you have. But if you already have other pets, you'll need to take some precautions to make sure everyone gets along. The best way to introduce your APBT to another pet is to do it gradually. Start by letting them see each other from a distance, then gradually increase the amount of time they spend together until they're comfortable with each other. It's important to supervise all interactions between your APBT and other pets at first, just to be safe.

American Pit Bull Terriers and Dog Parks.

American Pit Bull Terriers can be socialized to get along with other dogs, but it's important to do this gradually and carefully. If you're taking your APBT to a dog park, make sure he is well-socialized before bringing him into a situation where there are lots of other dogs. It's also important to keep an eye on your APBT at all times when he's around other dogs, just in case there's any trouble.


The American Pit Bull Terrier is a loyal and loving breed that can make a great family pet. With proper training, they can be well-behaved and good with children and other pets. However, it is important to supervise them around small children and introduce them slowly to other animals. If you are considering getting an American Pit Bull Terrier, be prepared to commit to training and exercise, as they are high energy dogs.


How to Train Your American Pit Bull Terrier  How to Train Your American Pit Bull Terrier   Reviewed by Ridamok on November 10, 2022 Rating: 5

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