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Pet Grooming Advice


Pet Grooming Advice: Should I Board My Dog When I Travel?

When you go on vacation, your dog usually goes with you.

If your dog is a member of the family and has been well-trained, he can be trusted to go on vacation with you. However, if your dog is not used to being away from home for long periods or does not have good manners around people and other animals, he should not be left alone in a kennel. The problem with boarding: most dogs are separated from their owners for extended periods every day at the kennel and sometimes even overnight. This can cause stress that affects their behavior when they return home.

If you're going on a trip without your pet, you may wonder if it's better to leave them at home with a sitter or at a kennel.

If you're going on a trip without your pet, you may wonder if it's better to leave them at home with a sitter or at a kennel.

Though boarding can be expensive, there are some advantages to leaving your dog (or cat) in the care of someone else:

  • A boarding facility is likely to offer more amenities than a friend or family member who takes care of pets for their own enjoyment rather than for money. These might include things like regular walks and playtime with other dogs, which can help keep them from getting bored while the owner is away.

  • A professional service will be familiar with proper procedures for keeping animals safe and healthy while they're away from home—such as administering medication daily—which is something that many pet owners don't know how to do themselves.

A pet sitter can be a great alternative to boarding.

When a trip comes up and you're not sure what to do with your pet, consider hiring a professional pet sitter. A friend or family member is another option, but if that person isn't familiar with your dog's needs, it may not be the best arrangement for him or her. If you trust someone else to take care of your dog while you're gone, make sure they'll have plenty of time (and space) to spend with him each day; this will help keep him from becoming stressed out by loneliness.

In addition to the above options, there are also options where one person handles both sitting and grooming duties. A groomer who offers boarding services can provide excellent care for both dogs and cats alike!

Take these things into consideration if a kennel is your only option.

If you’re planning to board your dog, then there are a few things to consider.

  • Length of stay: How long will you be gone? If it will only be for a few days, then boarding may not be worth the cost. Consider how long it takes for him to get used to new people and places, and whether or not he could hold out that long without getting into trouble at home (if he does have some separation anxiety).

  • Location: Is there any place close by where you can drop off your pup? Will,, he enjoyed being there more than at the kennel?

  • Cost: Are there other options available that would save money but still ensure his safety and comfort? Can friends watch him in exchange for help around the house or yard work? Do they have enough space for another pet in their house without needing additional fencing installed on top of what is already there?

  • Safety: Is this place reputable enough for me not to worry about anything bad happening while my dog is away from home? Does it employ well-trained employees who care about these animals as much as I do—and if so, why aren’t they working somewhere else instead!

Whether you leave your dog at home or board him in a kennel, there are practical and emotional considerations to make sure he gets the best care possible when you travel

If a pet sitter isn't an option, here are some things to consider before leaving your dog with a kennel:

  • If you're going on vacation without your pet, you may wonder if it's better to leave them at home with a sitter or at a kennel. The decision is up to you—the best place for your dog depends on his personality and needs. If he gets anxious when left alone, boarding may be the way to go; if he doesn't mind being alone or if he needs regular exercise and socialization time outside of his usual routine, he might do better back home where there's less stress about getting into trouble while you're away.

  • What does my dog like? Your dog has different preferences depending on whether she's older or younger, male or female (and whether she was spayed), etc., so think about what makes her happy when deciding whether boarding makes sense for her. For example: is my senior pet comfortable traveling? Do I have someone who can pick her up from daycare every other day? Will she be okay without me around all day long?

Pet Grooming Advice Pet Grooming Advice Reviewed by Ridamok on June 21, 2022 Rating: 5

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